The Financial Coach to help you

manage money wisely

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Jennifer Thompson 

Financial Coach 

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My Mission

Money impacts most areas of our lives; from our relationships, the ability to afford life experiences, to our security and, living our desired lives.

We live more fulfilling lives when we're on track to achieving our financial goals. Getting there requires knowledge, changing behaviours, developing systems and prioritizing financial action steps.

That’s where I come in. As a financial coach, I am not affiliated with a financial institution; I will not sell you products.

From creating a spending/savings plan, and eliminating debt to investing wisely, my responsibility is to provide you with objective advice and a road map to achieving your goals.

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I will help you ...

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Book a Call

• Identify your goals.

• Develop your financial literacy.

• Eliminate debt once and for all.

• Master you cash flow.

• Remove money blocks, if there are any.

• Learn to Invest in alignment with your values.

• Invest in alignment with your risk tolerance.

• Prepare for your retirement.

• Plan your legacy.

Financial Coaching Services

Transitional Finance Jennifer Thompson

Transitional Finance

Death of a spouse

Separation or divorce.
Job Loss
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Debt Management

Restructure debt

Pay off Debt
Use debt wisely
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Money Management

Learn how to live within your means

Save for unexpected expences
Save towards your goals
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Investment Planning

Get a second opinion or create a portfolio aligned with your financial objectives. Unbiased. No product push

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Retirement Planning

Sources of retirement Income. Making sense of pensions. 

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Money Mindset

Nurturing a wealth consciousness Eliminating money blocks 

 Eliminating shame, guilt and fear


Step 1

Identify your personal goals and a timeline for when you'd like to achieve them. Review your current financial situation. 

Step 2

Prioritise your goals. A plan is created with strategies on how to achieve those goals.

Step 3

Implementation of those strategies and a follow-up review to see that you're staying on tract.

Who Do I Work With?

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Why Work With Me?

I have twenty-five years of experience in finance, helping clients with credit, retirement and investment planning. I am also aware that the financial industry views money in terms of numbers. Money is more than just numbers. It's also about mindset and removing limiting beliefs. 

What Clients Are Saying

Financial Literacy 

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• Research and Money Smarts: 

Begin by researching financial concepts to gain money smarts

• Understanding Banking Options: 

Familiarize yourself with various banking options to make informed decisions about your finances 

• Budgeting Basics: 

Learn how to budget effectively, giving every dollar a purpose and setting financial goals

• Credit Score Awareness: 

Understand the importance of your credit score and how it impacts your financial health 

• Continuous Education: 

Subscribe to financial newsletters, listen to podcasts, read personal finance books, and leverage social media to stay informed 

• Investing Wisely: 

Learn to invest in a cost effective way, aligned with your goals and financial objectives. 

Book a Call

Complimentary 30-Minute Call

Nothing Will Be Offered or Sold On The Phone. 

During our call we will discuss your current situation, I will explain my process and we'll see if we are a good fit.

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our Blog

Jennifer Thompson Money Coach
7 Stages to financial freedom

Financial Freedom is when money no longer dictates what you do. With careful planning it is achievable.

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Financial coaches vs financial advisors

The financial services industry can be complex, with lots of roles and countless approaches to managing your finances.

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Markets go up and down. How do you deal with major downturns of more than 20%.

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Your Financial Power Plan: Wise Money Moves for Women 45+

As women over 45, we find ourselves at a crossroads in life.>

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Managing Money Wisely: A Guide to Financial Confidence

Managing money wisely is not just about numbers; it’s about creating a life that aligns with your values, goals, and dreams.

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How Smart Couples Avoid Money Arguments and Get Ahead Financially

Mastering communicating about money is key to building wealth.

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