My Areas of Expertise
1. Goal Setting
2. Cash Management/Budgetting
Know what's coming in and what's leaving—plug leakages. Saving towards goals.
3. Credit
This can include restructuring of potential tax-deductible debt (good debt)
Planning to pay off bad debt.
Mortgages – rates, refinancing etc.
4. Insurance
Insurance - to create an estate or minimize taxes.
Insurance - to protect the family from loss of income when you die or become disabled.
How much is needed?
Universal Life vs Term vs Whole Life
5. Investment Plan
Intentional Investing
Adopting strategies to minimize volatility.
Asset allocation Platforms available.
6. Estate Plan
The distributing of your assets upon death in a way that aligns with your desires.
This should include a Will, Power of Attorney, and A Health Care Directive.
7. Tax Plan RRSPs vs TFSAs vs FHSA, IRA IROTH
Tax favorable investing (dividend-paying stocks and dividend-paying ETFs)
Business vs Personal Incorporating
7. Retirement Plan
Financial independence - can be at any time of your life.
Pensions/Pension Splitting Retirement Plans.
Defined benefit vs Defined contribution.
8. Living abroad
Digital Nomads
Retiring Abroad